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WIN500: Mastering Windows 10 Deployment using MDT and ConfigMGR Current Branch


  • 4 Days
  • Replay recordings not included due to content licensing

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WIN500: Deploy and Manage Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 using ConfigMgr, WDS and MDT course image
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Course Description

Windows 10 has been in the market for some time and companies are in the process of deployment. We are proud to announce this course focused on deploying and managing Windows 10. In this course you will learn to build and customize rock solid deployment solutions using System Center Configuration Manager CB (Current Branch), Windows Deployment Services (WDS) and Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 (MDT 2013) Update 1 and. You will get a thorough walk-trough of ConfigMgr Current Branch as well as deep technical drilldown to changes in the Windows 10 platform. In addition you will learn about new setup and deployment features, changes in the Windows ADK 10 and more.

This course is unique in many ways. It was developed by two of the best OSD experts in the world, it is based on real life OSD for more than 30 years of collective knowledge and it is always performed on the latest version of Windows clients, servers and system management components.


Module 1 - Windows 10 Technical Drilldown

  • Support for new hardware
  • Editions and licensing / activation
  • Productivity Enhancements
  • Security Enhancements
  • User Interface changes
  • Hyper-V enhancements


Module 2 - Planning for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 Deployment

  • OU Structure and Group Policy Strategy
  • Naming Conventions and Structure
  • Assessment and Readiness, MAPs/ACT
  • Deployment Scenarios (Bare Metal, Refresh, Replace and In-Place Upgrades)
  • Deployment Methods (PXE, Boot Media, Standalone Media)
  • Automation level (Wizard Driven, Fully Automated, Dynamic and Hybrid)


Module 3 - Using Provisioning Packages

  • Scenarios for provisioning packages
  • Resetting OEM Setups
  • Create and configure provisioning packages
  • Apply Enterprise configurations (domain, policies, applications and settings)


Module 4 - Creating reference images for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10

  • Why using MDT Lite Touch
  • LTI System Requirements
  • Creating the server structure
  • Add operating system files
  • Add Applications
  • Create MDT Task Sequences
  • Configure the deployment share
  • Create Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 reference images


Module 5 - Troubleshooting MDT Lite Touch

  • Error codes and log files
  • Debugging MDT Lite Touch


Module 6 - MDT Lite Touch Deployment

  • Prepare for Production Deployment
  • Add Production Applications
  • Add Drivers
  • Create the Production Task Sequence and configure Rules
  • Configure WDS Deploy Window 8.1 using PXE Setting Up DFS-R for Replication
  • Replicating the Content
  • Additional configurations for a distributed environment


Module 7 - Working with Hardware and Device Drivers

  • General Driver Challenges
  • Other Driver Challenges
  • Hardware Support, UEFI configurations
  • Windows Drivers
  • Drivers Tips & Tricks


Module 8 - Setup ConfigMgr for Software Distribution

  • System Requirements
  • Minimum SQL Version
  • Installation Options
  • Post Configuration Items
  • Base Configuration


Module 9 - ConfigMgr (Zero Touch) Deployment

  • Integrate with MDT (Zero Touch)
  • Create boot images
  • Add operating system images
  • Add ConfigMgr Applications
  • Add Drivers for ConfigMgr
  • Create Task Sequences
  • Configure the rules, distribute content, and deploy task sequences
  • Deploy Window clients using PXE


Module 10 - Troubleshooting ConfigMgr OS Deployment

  • Debugging ConfigMgr
  • PXE in a Lab environment
  • Advanced Task Sequence Troubleshooting


Module 11 - Windows 10 inplace upgrade scenarios

  • Upgrade features
  • Inplace Upgrade Limitations


Module 12 - Using MDT Lite Touch for inplace upgrade

  • Upgrading Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 clients to Windows 10
  • Creating the Windows 10 upgrade task sequence
  • Running the inplace upgrade process
  • Monitor and verify the inplace upgrade process


Module 13 - Using ConfigMgr for inplace upgrade

  • Upgrading Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 clients to Windows 10
  • Creating the Windows 10 upgrade task sequence
  • Running the inplace upgrade process
  • Monitor and verify the inplace upgrade process


Module 14 - Using USMT for Refresh and Replace

  • Can you afford not to migrate?
  • USMT versions and scenarios
  • User Data and Settings
  • System Requirements
  • Multi-User Migration Integration with ConfigMgr
  • Support for additional settings
  • Basic Custom XML-File
  • Troubleshooting


Module 15 - Using Lite Touch to Refresh a Computer

  • Refresh Windows clients using MDT Lite Touch
  • Customize USMT Settings


Module 16 - Using ConfigMgr to Refresh a Computer

  • Refresh Windows clients using MDT Lite Touch
  • Customize USMT Settings


Module 17 - Using MDT Lite Touch to Replace a Computer

  • Create and run a Replace Task Sequence
  • Verify user state migration


Module 18 - Using ConfigMgr to Replace a Computer

  • Configure State Migration Point
  • Create and run a Replace Task Sequence
  • Verify user state migration


Module 19 - MDT Lite Touch, Advanced Customizations

  • Create a test environment
  • Using the MDT Deployment database
  • Assigning Applications using Roles
  • Use a stored procedure
  • Use a UserExit script


Module 20 - ConfigMgr, Advanced Customizations

  • Create a test environment
  • Using the MDT Deployment database
  • Assigning Applications and Packages
  • using Roles Use a stored procedure
  • Use a UserExit script


Module 21 - Windows Setup Engine

  • Image Based Setup
  • Windows Configuration passes
  • Understanding WSIM
  • Component based servicing
  • Windows Device Drivers


Module 22 - Managing Windows Clients in the Enterprise

  • Using Roaming Profiles
  • Using Redirected Folders
  • Using Group Policy Preferences
  • Deploy Applications using ConfigMgr
  • Using User Experience Virtualization (UE-V)
  • Using App-V applications
  • Configuring Software Updates (WSUS and ConfigMgr)

This course is intended for IT-pros and administrators that wants to build real world deployment and management solutions using ConfigMgr, WDS and MDT.


Before attending this course, students should have:

  • Windows deployment experience, sysprep, imaging, and drivers.
  • Basic understanding of Active Directory, and Software Distribution using ConfigMgr 2007 or ConfigMgr 2012. Scripting experience (VBScript, PowerShell) is helpful but not a requirement.
What You Will Learn

After this training you will be able to install and customize modern deployment and management solutions based on ConfigMgr, WDS and MDT.

Student Comments (23)
Comments about the Physical Environment
"Awesome presentation"
February 28, 2019 | WIN500 Student
Comments about the Instructor
"Instructor was great, provided a lot of useful websites and informaiton"
November 8, 2018 | WIN500 Student
Comments about enhancing the Courseware
"Cannot think of any way to improve upon an already great experience."
August 16, 2018 | WIN500 Student
Comments about the Courseware
"well laid out, easy to follow."
August 16, 2018 | WIN500 Student
Comments about the Instructor
"Johan is very knowledgeable and very good at delivering the content"
August 16, 2018 | WIN500 Student
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