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DEV425: Docker & Kubernetes Core Concepts Training Course


  • 4 Days
  • Learn to integrate, manage, scale and monitor containers
  • This class is no longer available.
  • Replay™ Class Recordings Included

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Course Description

Containers have revolutionized the process of developing and deploying applications. They offer many benefits including consistency between environments, predictable deployments, application scaling, management of microservices, and more. While this all sounds great in theory, how do you integrate containers into your existing business processes and reap the benefits they offer? How do you manage containers in production, scale and monitor them, and fix issues that come up?

The Docker and Kubernetes course provides a hands-on look at containers and the role they can play in your development and deployment environments and workflows. You’ll learn about the many benefits containers provide, how you can use containers in your environment to work with web servers, databases (and more), key Docker tools and commands that you need to learn to use Docker effectively, how to work with images and containers, as well as how to get a fully functional container environment up and running.

After learning the ins-and-outs of containers, the course provides information on how Kubernetes can be used to orchestrate containers. This includes providing a look at the different components that Kubernetes provides (pods, deployments/replicasets, services and more), how to deploy containers, troubleshoot pods, and working with Kubernetes in the cloud.

If you’ve heard about Docker and Kubernetes and been wondering how to get started using them then this course is for you!


1. Getting Started with Docker
Application Deployment
Shipping with Containers
Getting Started with Docker
Benefits to Developers and DevOps
Overview of Images and Containers
Layered File System
Containers vs Virtual Machines
Docker and Microservices

2. Docker Images and Containers
Container Registries
Working with Images
Working with Containers
Getting Started with a Custom Dockerfile
Building an Image
Updating an Image
Pushing an Image to a Registry

3. Containers and Volumes
Components Overview
Source Code and Containers
Introduction to Volumes
Creating a Volume
Inspecting Volumes
Defining a volume in a Dockerfile
Local Source Code and Containers

4. Orchestrating Containers with Docker Compose
Container Orchestration
Getting Started with Docker Compose
The docker-compose.yml File
Docker Compose Commands

5. Introduction to Kubernetes
Why Kubernetes?
The Big Picture
The Master Node
Worker Nodes and Pods
Services, ReplicaSets, and Deployments
Files and kubectl Commands
The Web UI Dashboard

6. Working with Pods
The Role of Pods
Getting a Pod Up and Running Quickly
Defining a Pod with YAML
Multi-Container Pods
Pod Health
Troubleshooting Pods and Containers

7. ReplicaSets and Deployments
The Role of ReplicaSets
Defining ReplicaSets
Working with ReplicaSets
The Role of Deployments
Defining Deployments
Working with Deployments

8. Working with Services
The Role of Services
Service Types
Creating a Service
Service Discovery Process
Port Forwarding

9. Updates and Rollbacks
Updating Pods
Zero-Downtime Deployments
Blue-Green Deployments
Rolling Updates
Rolling Back Deployments

10. Storage, ConfigMaps, and Secrets
Volumes and Mounts
PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims

11. Kubernetes in the Cloud with AKS
Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure CLI
Creating an AKS Cluster
Additional Tools
Azure Dev Spaces

DevOps, IT admins, or developers looking to get started using Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Comfortable using command-line tools and virtual machines
  • General familiarity with software development
  • General familiarity with software deployment
What You Will Learn
  • The role of containers
  • Key Docker tools and commands
  • How to create custom Docker images and run containers
  • How and when to use volumes
  • Container orchestration with Docker Compose
  • The role of Kubernetes
  • Key Kubernetes architecture, commands, and concepts
  • Pods, replicasets, deployments, services
  • Kubernetes and the cloud
Student Comments (11)
Comments about the Instructor
"Highly recommend"
April 8, 2021 | DEV425 Student
Comments about the Physical Environment
"Great class, great content, excellent instructor"
April 8, 2021 | DEV425 Student
Comments about the Instructor
"Very well spoken and knowledgeable."
April 8, 2021 | DEV425 Student
Comments about the Physical Environment
"Dan was a great instructor!"
June 11, 2020 | DEV425 Student
Comments about the Instructor
"Great job all remote"
June 11, 2020 | DEV425 Student
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