Course: Outline
Module 1: Getting Started with Java
- Environment setup and the Java Virtual Machine
- Possible Architectures and project demonstrations
- Compiling and Executing new Code
- Working with Primitives and Objects
- Memory and Garbage collection
- Printing in Unicode
- Conditional Statements
- Using Arrays
- Creating Projects in Eclipse*
- Creating jar files and documentation
Module 2: Working with Classes and Objects
- Exploring the JavaDocs
- Leveraging Existing Classes
- Using Classes with Static Methods
- Creating Instances of Objects
- Understanding Method Signatures
- Common Java Usage Pattern
- Memory and Garbage Collection
- Object References and Casting
- String
- Date and Calendar
- java.time package of Java 8
- Arrays of objects
- Handling Runtime Exceptions
Module 3: Writing Custom Java Classes
- Member Variables
- Constructors
- Getters and Setters
- Implementing Behavior in Methods
- Inheritance
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces, including changes in Java 1.8 and 1.9
Module 4: JUnit and Test-Driven Development
- Considering a TDD Approach
- How to Use JUnit
- Writing Test Logic
- Types of Assertions
- Using Test Fixtures
Module 5: Collections Framework
- How to Work with the Collections Framework
- Lists, Sets, Maps
- Sorting Collections
- Implementing Comparators
- Using Inner Classes
- Using Lambda expressions
Module 6: Persisting and Accessing Data
- Working with Files and Other Types of Input/Output
- File & Directory Information
- Reading from Files
- Writing to Files
- The DAO Pattern
- Dealing with Checked Exceptions with IO
- Serialization and cloning objects
Module 7: Working with Databases
- Working with Databases
- Connecting to a Database
- Executing a SQL Statement
- Parsing results of a SQL Statement
- Working effectively and Securely with Databases
- Preventing SQL Injection Attacks
- Taking Advantage of Connection Pools
- Managing Transactions
Module 8: Going Beyond Intro to Java (Overview of topics)
- Multithreading and concurrency
- Streams API
- Using Maven for dependencies
- Java 1.9 Features
- Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
- Web Projects, web servers, application servers
- Servlets, Request, Response, & Session Classes
- JSPs, JSFs
- Overview of Rest APIs and Spring Boot
Developers with programming experience, who already understand the fundamental concepts of programming, such as variables, memory, loops but are new to Java.
There are no prerequisite for this course, but experience with object-oriented programming will be very helpful.
What You Will Learn
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
- Develop object-oriented applications
- Persist data to files and databases
- Design and implement classes
- Throw and handle exceptions correctly
- Leverage interfaces for extensibility
- Use JUnit for testing
- Process data with arrays and Collections API
- Understand at high-level Java EE and Spring