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2 Student Comments

SCCM590: Advanced Configuration Manager CB & Windows 10


  • 5 Days
  • Constantly up-to-date with Microsoft's Continuous Deployment
  • Updated from Windows 8 to Windows 10
  • Includes Mobile Device Mgmt, Power BI, Fault Tolerance and High Availability
  • Replay recordings not included due to content licensing

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Course Description

Learn to design, deploy, manage and troubleshoot ConfigMgr and Windows 10 in your environment with this new Advanced SCCM course. You’ll learn about Mobile Device Mgmt, Windows Servicing Models, using PowerBI with SCCM and Fault Tolerance/High Availability.


Day 1

Designing Configuration Manager hierarchies

  • Recovery options, restore primary sites
  • Design fault tolerance and high availability environments
  • Working with HTTP and HTTPS site systems
  • Working with DMZ/multi domain and workgroup environments
  • Configure and optimize SQL

Troubleshooting tools and techniques

  • Understanding log files
  • Status Filter Rules
  • Introducing WMI
  • Using SQL Profiler

Configuration manager client management

  • Installing, configuring and troubleshooting clients


Day 2

Content distribution

  • Working with content distribution in distributed environments
  • WIN PE Peer caching
  • Peer to Peer technologies
  • Working with the client cache
  • Managing Windows 10 security
  • Understand and implement the Windows 10 security options

Deploying Windows 10 with operating system deployment

  • Upgrading to Windows 10
  • Creating and maintaining reference images
  • Customizing the boot images
  • Integrating custom frontends
  • Deploying images
  • Troubleshooting operating system deployment


Day 3

Windows Servicing

  • Develop a Windows Servicing model

Working with Visualizations

  • Working with SQL reporting services
  • Integrating Microsoft Power BI

Inventory management

  • Deep dive into the inventory process


Day 4

Application deployment

  • Working with the application model
  • Troubleshooting application deployments

Software Updates

  • Creating and designing the software update infrastructure
  • Deploying and troubleshooting Microsoft software updates
  • Deploying 3rd. party updates
  • Monitoring software update using custom reports and Power BI


Day 5

Compliance Settings

  • Creating and implementing configuration items and baselines
  • Remediate non-compliant computers and users
  • Troubleshooting compliance settings

Managing Windows 10 using the MDM agent

  • Develop a Windows 10 management strategy
  • Understanding the Windows 10 MDM management options
  • Manage modern Windows 10 devices

This class is intended for students who need to be able to design, deploy, manage and troubleshoot Configuration Manager and Windows 10 in your environment. In the class there will be a high focus on automation and understanding how you can optimize your Windows 10 management using Configuration Manager. The class is always based on the latest available public builds.


Basic understanding of Active Directory, WSUS and SQL. Basic knowledge and working experience with Configuration Manager 2012/Current Branch. We will take you through the advanced design, installation, configuration and troubleshooting of the main features in Configuration Manager based and Windows 10. After class, you will have a solid understanding off the design options, flow of the main features and troubleshooting techniques. Likewise, you will have a solid understanding on how Configuration Manager can be used to secure Windows 10 deployments.

What You Will Learn

In this hands-on class you will be working with the following:

  • Fault tolerance and High availability
  • Installing and troubleshooting client deployment
  • Inventory Management
  • Application deployment
  • Software updates
  • Compliance Settings
  • Operating System Deployment
  • Windows 10 management options
  • Windows 10 security options
  • Troubleshooting tools
Student Comments (2)
Comments about enhancing the Courseware
"Recommend additional days of training. 3 days seems too short.. : )"
June 21, 2017 | SCCM590 Student
Comments about the Instructor
"Thrilling and overwhelming amount of content covered in three days."
June 21, 2017 | SCCM590 Student